Building for future generations


Project details

About the client

KRS is a long-standing construction company based in Kaunas, with roots dating back to 1950. Specializing in civil engineering, KRS is dedicated to building a sustainable and prosperous future through innovative and responsible construction projects. Their motto, "Building for future generations," underscores their commitment to creating lasting, environmentally conscious infrastructure.

Project Goal

The goal of this project was to develop a comprehensive website for KRS using Webflow, based on the provided Figma design. The website aims to present the company and their job offerings, allowing visitors to apply for available positions. Additionally, the site showcases their services, includes a blog for news and company updates, and features a dedicated page to easily showcase their past projects.

The final result

The project resulted in a dynamic, user-friendly website that effectively presents KRS company profile, job offerings, and services. The site includes a blog for news and updates, as well as a dedicated page for showcasing past projects. Thanks to Webflow's powerful CMS, the content is easily editable by the client, ensuring they can keep their website up-to-date effortlessly. This new website enhances client's online presence and supports their commitment to sustainable development and innovation.

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Vision to life

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