Baking bread products for your table since 1953

UI/UX, Development

Project details

About the client

Biržų Duona is a renowned bakery in Lithuania with a rich history dating back to 1953. Throughout the years the company has evolved through various stages, embracing modernity while preserving its traditional values. Today, Biržų Duona is celebrated for its wide range of high-quality bread and pastries, its commitment to sustainability, and its dedication to creating delicious products for future generations.

Project Goal

The goal of this project was to create a custom design and develop a modern WordPress e-commerce website for Biržų Duona. They wanted to revamp their existing website to better present their brand, showcase their extensive product range, and provide an enhanced online shopping experience for their customers. The new website also needed to reflect their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

The final result

The project resulted in a visually stunning and modern WordPress e-commerce website for Biržų Duona. The new site effectively showcases their rich history, extensive product range, and commitment to sustainability. It offers an enhanced user experience with easy navigation, an intuitive online shopping platform, and a fresh, appealing design that aligns with the brand’s values and goals. The website now serves as a robust platform for engaging with customers and driving online sales.

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